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Bonny Babes Childcare Centres

  >  0-3 Years   >  5 Benefits of Playing in the Sand

5 Benefits of Playing in the Sand

The importance of play and fun shouldn’t be underestimated, as it is a driving factor for how children learn through their early years. Playing with sand is an incredible tool that can help children develop a multitude of skills.
There are basically no rules or instructions when playing with sand – children can dig around, build with it, pretend with it, sift it and explore. The sky is truly the limit.
Playing in the sand is more than just a fun and exciting activity for children, it is a great way for children to develop numerous skills which go beyond sensory learning.

Aids in Physical Development

There are multiple physical developmental benefits to playing with sand, such as:
– Muscles in the arms and upper body are developed by digging through the sand and making creations.
– Muscles in the legs are developed because the children are often squatting or sitting with their legs crossed whilst building in the sand.
– Hand-eye coordination skills are developed by using scoops and shovels to build their castles and amazing creations.

Expands Their Creativity

There is no end to the ideas and games children will invent when playing in the sand. Not only can they build a variety of things such as castles, buildings and cities, children can create stories for these creations, using toys and buckets to help with their imagination.

Encourages Social Skills

Playing in the sandpit is a great way for children to learn to be social and make friends. It exposes them to situations that might involve problem-solving skills, sharing toys and communicating with other children. They can talk to each other while making and playing with their creations or even come together to play.

Builds Attention and Concentration

Many children have difficulty concentrating on one task for more than a few minutes before their attention is taken elsewhere. Sand play provides the opportunity for children to do a variety of different things whilst still playing with the same activity, thus expanding their attention spans. They could start by driving trucks through the sand, move to digging in the sand and end with a sandcastle. These activities help children focus on the task at hand and improve their concentration and cognitive processes.

It is Lots of Fun

Perhaps the most important of all of these skills is that children have fun and enjoy themselves. It is important to develop a love of learning and new experiences and encourage this for future growth.
Here at Bonny Babes Child Care Centres, we encourage the importance of play-based learning and the skills it provides. We offer a range of art activities, storytelling sessions and outdoor play and extracurricular programs such as gardening, tennis, soccer, and dancing on each day of the week.
Looking for high-quality child care for your little one? If you live around Coomera, Hope Island or Oxenford, you’ve found the right place.

Looking for high-quality child care for your little one? If you live around Coomera, Hope Island or Oxenford, you’ve found the right place.

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