May – June Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is now available with updates, photos and stories of what is going on in our little community here at Bonny Babes Childcare Centres. You can read it here - Bonny Babes May - June Newsletter
April 2019 Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is now available with updates, photos and stories of what is going on at Bonny Babes Childcare Centres. You can read it here - April Newsletter 2019
March 2019 Newsletter
Our latest newsletter is now available with updates, photos and stories of what is going on at Bonny Babes Childcare Centres. You can read it here - Bonny Babes March Newsletter
Reading with pre-school children boosts language by eight months
Parents and carers who regularly read with small children are giving them a language advantage of eight months, a study shows While we already knew reading with young children is beneficial to their development and later academic performance, the eight month
February Newsletter
Please click the link below to read our latest newsletter - Bonny Babes February 2019 Newsletter
Childhood stress: Why and how we all need to calm down
Increasingly, scientists are linking stress in infancy and childhood to the soaring numbers of people suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders from adolescence onward. — Margot Sunderland, The Science of Parenting (2007). Maggie Dent is an author, educator, and parenting and
How to gently get your child to brush their teeth
When should you start encouraging dental hygiene? One of the ways to ensure children brush their teeth, without resorting to bribes or punishments, is to start early. Dentists suggest brushing baby’s first teeth when they appear, even wiping gums, may help
Being in nature is good for learning
Contrary to the belief we Aussies are a nature-loving outdoor nation, research suggests we’re spending less and less time outdoors. This worrying trend is also becoming increasingly apparent in our educational settings. Contact with nature can enhance creativity, bolster mood, lower
Make Play Everyday
Simple everyday moments help your child grow. The new Make Play Everyday campaign recognises that parents and families play a major role in their child’s ongoing learning. Through a series of short videos, articles and tips, we show parents how existing
Asthma at Kindy
Having a young child with asthma can be frightening, and it’s important to know as much as you can about the condition and how it affects your child. Asthma Australia offer some pages to help you be informed and assist